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The McMillan Installer

The mcillian installer development is discontinued.

mirror: http://davidf.sjsoft.com/mirrors/mcmillan-inc/installer_dnld.html

Continued development(not tested yet): http://pyinstaller.hpcf.upr.edu/cgi-bin/trac.cgi

This works on Win32. Unzip the Installer in a directory of your choice, and cd there.

Configure the Installer by running:

python Configure.py

Python must be in your PATH for this to work, if it's not, type from the command prompt:


where c:\python23 must be replaced with the root of your python installation. Then, assuming the source code is app.py (placed in c:\source):

python Makespec.py --upx --onefile --noconsole c:\source\app.py
python Build.py  app\app.spec

Replace 'app' everywhere above with your application name.

You will end up with app\app.exe under the Installer dir.This is a one file .exe containing all the application. If you don't want a one-file build, suppress the option --onefile above. If you don't have upx installed (or don't want to use it), suppress the option --upx above. The option --noconsole is needed to produce a windows gui application, instead of a console one (so the command shell won't pop up when you run the application).

[ More details to be written... ]



Create a setup.py script for using py2exe to generating the exe file. (The script to compile in this case is wxTail.py):

# setup.py
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe

Sample of the win32 command for running py2exe:

python setup.py py2exe

If you use the unicode version of wxpython you have to manually include the file unicows.dll form your python installation directory. Otherwise the application will crash at least on Windows 98.


[ More details to be written... ]


To turn your binary and accompanying library files into a Windows installer you can use:


When using py2exe with pythoncom (or with wxPython's ActiveXWrapper which uses pythoncom) py2exe has trouble finding the code for the generated COM wrapper modules and you end up with import errors. Here is the solution, which was sent to the mail list by Clark C. Evans:

  • When pythonwin is called to create an Python binding for a COM component, it generates a new python class and puts this class in the gen_py directory (which magically appears). I believe the problem is that the py2exe program doesn't expand the Python path to include the deployment directory, otherwise this directory would be found... To work-aroud this problem, simply use the makepy program to generate a python wrapper for the activeX component you have (for example, IE Explorer). Then, rename this module file to something more palatable (like ie.py). Then, instead of using "ensure module" simply import the re-named file -- the imported module is the class module. For example, to make the IE ActiveX demo work...
    1. Generate ie.py using makepy using the "-o" option
    2. Replace the "ensure module" stuff in the demo code with...
          from wxPython.wx import *
         if wxPlatform == '__WXMSW__':
             from wxPython.lib.activexwrapper import MakeActiveXClass
             import ie5
             browserModule = ie5
    No other changes seem to be necessary.

Another work-around if you run into issues running py2exe compiled programs with the ActiveXWrapper controls (specifically the PDF Window control in wxPython 2.8) is to add a typelibs entry to the options argument in your setup.py file. See the sample setup.py below for an example.

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe

manifest = """




installs manifest and icon into the .exe
but icon is still needed as we open it
for the window icon (not just the .exe)
changelog and logo are included in dist


   options = {'py2exe': {
                           'compressed': 1,
                           'optimize': 2,
                           'bundle_files': 3,
                           'typelibs' : [("{EAB22AC0-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B}", 0, 1, 1)],

   windows = [
           "script": "myprogram.py",
           "icon_resources": [(1, "program.ico")],
           "other_resources": [(24,1,manifest)],


Basically the typelibs line ensures py2exe picks up the dynamically imported module in pdfwin.py that is included with the Windows wxPython distribution.

    _browserModule = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureModule(
       "{EAB22AC0-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B}", 0, 1, 1)

On Linux


A binary distribution of a Python/wxPython program on Linux has these advantages:

  • There is no need for the user to have Python, wxPython or any other extensions you use installed
  • The versions of Python, wxPython and extensions are the ones you ship, not any they may already have installed. That means you don't need to worry about users using different versions of the extensions with your software.



cx_Freeze turns a Python script into a binary file and any referenced binary modules.

Download cx_Freeze from http://starship.python.net/crew/atuining/ I recommend getting the binary distribution. If you extract it in /opt, then it will end up installed in /opt/cx_Freeze-2.1/ (this location is assumed through the rest of this document).

Also note that while cx_Freeze is free software, you do need to abide by the license agreement on the same page.


The wxPython shared libraries have some pathnames hardcoded into them (also known as an rpath). chrpath removes this hardcoded path for where other shared libraries are searched.

Download chrpath from http://freshmeat.net/projects/chrpath/ By default it installs in /usr/local/bin which should be on your path.

Making your binary distribution

Make an output directory

Create a clean directory for the resulting files. I make one named dist.

Run cxFreeze

Assuming the main entrypoint to your program is example.py, this is what you run:

$ cxpath=/opt/cx_Freeze-2.1
$ env PATH=$cxpath:$PATH FreezePython --install-dir=dist --base-binary=$cxpath/ConsoleSetLibPathBase example.py

Everything should end up in the dist subdirectory, and the main binary will be named dist/example

Run chrpath

You now need to remove hard coded path information from the wxPython and other shared libraries. I use this shell script:

for i in *.so
   if chrpath $i 2>/dev/null | grep = >/dev/null
       echo "Fixing $i"
       chrpath -d $i

Change into the dist subdirectory and run the script. It should fix at least wxPython.wxc.so, and same other wx-controls you may use (eg calendar).

Package it up

You can now just tar up the dist subdirectory. Users can place the contents anywhere they choose on the filesystem, and call the main executable for everything to work.

I normally put all the files in a subdirectory of /usr/lib (for example: /usr/lib/example-1.0 and then put a wrapper script in /usr/bin that execs the binary in /usr/lib/example-1.0.

On Mac




The Python included with Mac OS X contains a tool called BundleBuilder.py which lets you package Python scripts into ".app" bundles that can be distributed on computers even without Python installed. (Although OS X 10.3 contains a complete implementation of Python.) Documentation on this tool (including an example of a wxPython app building script) can be found here:


The important part to note is that you must manually include the wxWindows dynamic libraries at this point. See the lines in the example script containing myapp.libs.append to see how to do so. Hopefully a more targeted and detailed tutorial will be forthcoming. =) In the meantime, please feel free to post your questions to either wxPython-mac@lists.sourceforge.net or pythonmac-sig@python.org .



The bitpim project produces Windows and Linux binary installers that don't require the user to have Python or wxPython installed (or even have to know what they are!)

Code is available in http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/bitpim/bitpim/

makedist.py does the actual build an invokes the various other tools. bitpim.iss is the innosetup file. p2econfig.py is the py2exe file.

原文地址 http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/CreatingStandaloneExecutables


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1. 环境:

  • Red Hat Linux 9(本人CentOs5.2,其实想想这个问题跟Linux的版本的关系的可以忽略)
  • Tomcat 5.5.17(Tomcat5.5.27)

2. 需要解决一下几个问题

  • 不同的tomcat启动和关闭监听不同的端口
  • 不同的tomcat的启动文件startup.sh 中要指定各自的CATALINA_HOMECATALINA_BASE这两个环境变量。

3. 解决步骤:

3.1. 修改/etc目录下的profile文件,添加一组java环境变量,和两组CATALINA环境变量;修改后的profile文件示例如下:













export TOMCAT_2_HOME

3.2. 第一个安装在/usr/local/tomcat处的tomcat,保持解压后的原状不用修改。修改第二个安装在/usr/local/tomcat2/apache-tomcat-5.5.17处的tomcat。需要修改两个地方:

3.2.1. 修改server.xml配置和第一个不同的启动、关闭监听端口。修改后示例如下:



maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"

enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"

connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />


enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" protocol="AJP/1.3" />

3.2.2. 修改bin下的startup.shshutdown.sh。修改后的示例如下:(同样的修改)

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk(如未设置过Java_home)

export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin(同上)

export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib(同上,这些设置最好放到profile里面去)

export CATALINA_HOME=$CATALINA_2_HOME 利用profile中第二组设置

export CATALINA_BASE=$CATALINA_2_BASE 利用profile中第二组设置

4. 修改完毕后,必须重新启动linux。可能是因为修改了profile文件的缘故?

5. 分别进入两个tomcatbin目录,启动tomcat——./startup.sh

6. 然后访问http://localhost:8080 http://localhost:9080 都可以看到熟悉的tomcat欢迎界面。

7. 如果想启动多个可以依此法类推…… 转自:http://blog.csdn.net/guorui303/archive/2007/02/08/1505442.aspx

【转】Apache + Tomcat*2集群 负载平衡(Linux环境) 一台机器上实测

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  1. 安装JDK、
  2. 安装Apache、
  3. 安装Tomcat、
  4. 配置Apache代理、
  5. 配置Tomcat集群

一、安装JDK(所有运行Tomcat主机,即web服务器) 1.下载JDK的bin包,如jdk-1_5_0_02-linux-i586.rpm.bin ,给其添加执行权限(注:chmod 777 jdk-1_5_0_02-linux-i586.rpm.bin ),执行#./jdk-1_5_0_02-linux-i586.rpm.bin , 在

当前目录生成rpm安装包,同样给其添加执行权限。 再执行 #rpm -ivh jdk-1_5_0_02-linux-i586.rpm 出现安装协议 按接受即可。 2.设置环境变量 #vi /etc/profile 在其最后加入

JAVA_HOME =/ usr / java / jdk1. 5 .0_02 CLASSPATH = .:$JAVA_HOME / lib:$JAVA_HOME / jre / lib PATH = $PATH:$JAVA_HOME / bin:$JAVA_HOME / jre / bin export JAVA_HOME CLASSPATH PATH


(注:如需验证是否设置正确,可以运行 echo $JAVA_HOME的方式来查看环境变量是否正确,不过运行之前需要运行 source /etc/profile更新环境变量) 3.要使JDK在所有的用户中使用,可以这样:vi /etc/profile.d/java.sh在新的java.sh中输入以下内容: #set java environment JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_02 CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin export JAVA_HOME CLASSPATH PATH 保存退出,然后给java.sh分配权限:chmod 755 /etc/profile.d/java.sh

二、安装Apache(访问代理主机) 1.下载apache源代码 wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/httpd/httpd-2.2.2.tar.gz

解压缩 tar fvxz httpd-2.2.2.tar.gz


./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-module=most --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-ajp --enable-forward --enable-proxy-connect --enable-proxy-http --enable-so --enable-deflate --enable-headers --enable-include (拷贝到该目录下执行即可)


3.编译(编译如果不成功,确认一下你的linux是否安装有编译所需要的c环境和其他需要的类库) make

4.安装 make install

5.进入/usr/local/apache目录,运行apache ./apachectl -k start


关闭apache ./apachectl -k stop

6.把apache作为linux的启动就运行服务程序(该步骤未尝试) 执行如下操作:cp /usr/apache/bin/apachectl /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd 确认linux以前安装的httpd(apache)不需要了,你可覆盖掉以前apache的httpd文件。 chkconfig --add httpd 运行linux的setup,把httpd服务默认设定为自动运行。 到现在,你就可用另一种方式来启动、关闭apache了。如service httpd start

三、安装tomcat(Web服务器) 1.下载jakarta-tomcat-5.5.20.tar.gz tar zxf jakarta-tomcat-5.5.20.tar.gz 解压文件 (如解压到/usr/local/) 2.设置环境变量 #vi /etc/profile 添加 CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.30 export CATALINA_HOME

(注:如只有一台主机,见如何在Linux里面同时开两个Tomcat) 保存退出

3.修改JVM内存:/bin/catalina.sh 文件 在下# ----- Execute The Requested Command ----------------- # Bugzilla 37848: only output this if we have a TTY if [ $have_tty -eq 1 ]; then echo "Using CATALINA_BASE: $CATALINA_BASE" echo "Using CATALINA_HOME: $CATALINA_HOME" echo "Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: $CATALINA_TMPDIR" if [ "$1" = "debug" -o "$1" = "javac" ] ; then echo "Using JAVA_HOME: $JAVA_HOME" else echo "Using JRE_HOME: $JRE_HOME" fi fi 添加以下内容:

CATALINA_OPTS = " $CATALINA_OPTS -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=32m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m $JPDA_OPTS " JAVA_OPTS = " $JAVA_OPTS -Djava.awt.headless=true " echo " Using CATALINA_OPTS: $CATALINA_OPTS " echo " Using JAVA_OPTS: $JAVA_OPTS "

4.运行/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.30/bin/startup.sh 启动tomcat服务器 测试是否正常

四、配置apache代理(适用mod_proxy_ajp.so) 编辑apache配置文件 #vi /usr/apache/conf/httpd.conf 1.配置proxy_ajp #加载解析模块(windows下,或linux采用动态加载模式下需配置。前面我们的linux编译时把下面的模块嵌入到了apache中

,所以不用再加载) LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/mod_proxy_ajp.so 2.配置文件添加

ProxyPass / balancer://tomcatcluster/ stickysession=JSESSIONID nofailover=on timeout=5 maxattempts=3 ProxyPassReverse / balancer://tomcatcluster/ BalancerMember ajp:// smax=2 loadfactor=1 route=tomcat2 BalancerMember ajp:// smax=2 loadfactor=2 route=tomcat1

以上说明请参见mod_proxy中文手册 http://www.6bee.com/tech/ApacheMenu/mod/mod_proxy.html 3.其他说明


2.0.58版本。 proxy_ajp配置较简单,但可配置性还不如jk2,主要表现在proxy_ajp目前只支持配置到目录,还不支持对文件名称的pattern模式匹


2、因为proxy_ajp的配置,还不支持对文件名称的pattern模式匹配,所以你要特别注意: ——尽量把jsp和静态文件和图片路径分不同的目录来管理; ——对于静态文件和图片路径,如/images,你可用“ProxyPass /images !”来禁止ProxyPass,从而来让apache来直接处理图片的请

求。 ——关于apache的ssi(即shtml,include)与tomcat的集成时,shtml文件不能处于ProxyPass的控制下(即不能在ProxyPass目录)


五、配置Tomcat负载均衡、集群 1.修改tomcat 的 conf/server.xml 的 去掉注释 jvmRoute是tomcat路由标示,由此区分两台tomcat主机,那么第二台就改为 jvmRoute="tomcat2"> 加上注释 2.修改tomcat 的 conf/server.xml 的 去掉注释

3.修改tomcat 的 conf/server.xml 的

把上面的注释拿掉 就ok 了!


4.在每个webapps应用中,修改web.xml文件 添加元素 最后完工,重启tomcat,apahce测试平衡负载,新建jsp页面 <% Runtime lRuntime = Runtime.getRuntime(); out.println("*** BEGIN MEMORY STATISTICS *** "); out.println("Free Memory: "+lRuntime.freeMemory()/1024/1024+"M "); out.println("Max Memory: "+lRuntime.maxMemory()/1024/1024+"M "); out.println("Total Memory: "+lRuntime.totalMemory()/1024/1024+"M "); out.println("Available Processors : "+lRuntime.availableProcessors()+" "); out.println("*** END MEMORY STATISTICS ***"); %> <%= request.getSession().getId() %> 放入到两台tomcat的ROOT目录中测试 转自:http://envoydada.javaeye.com/blog/95162


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今天学习jQuery 属性和CSS, 学了css后面做示例才看得明白 属性 1.attr(key,value) 为所有匹配的元素设置一个属性值。 相当于给key赋值如 $("img").attr("src","http://www.usle.cn/logo.gif"); 即意为给img元素赋予图片地址。类似这个在上一篇 移除或替换链接指向 中用到了此方法。 2.attr(key,fn) 类似上面,只不过fn当做函数来写,如$("img").attr("title",function(){return this.src});这个函数是将图片的链接赋给图片的title属性中。 3.attr(name) 很容易弄明白,取得第一个匹配元素的属性值,如果元素没有相应属性,则返回undefined 4.attr(properties) 光看这个看不明白,实际上是给匹配的元素批量设置很多属性 。举例$("img").attr({title:"this is title",alt:"this is alt"}); 需要注意的是属性名后面跟“:”冒号,多个属性间用逗号隔开,外围包上大括号“{}”。 5.removeAttr(name) 从每一个匹配的元素中删除一个属性 ,如$("img").removeAttr("src");意为移除图片的链接地址。 1.addClass(class) 为每个匹配的元素添加指定的类名(css样式)。如$("p").addClass("p1"); 2.removeClass(class) 很容易理解,移除css样式 3.toggleClass(class) 如果存在这样css样式就删除一个样式,或者不存在的话就添加一个样式。 $("p").toggleClass("p1");意为为没有类名p1的css样式的p元素添加p1样式,对有p1样式的pf元素,删除它的p1 css样式。 HTML 1.html() 取得第一个匹配元素的html内容,用法如 $("div").html(); 2.html(val) 设置每一个匹配元素的html内容, $("div").html(“hello,world”); 给匹配的div元素设置内容为hello,world 。原有的会被清除。 文本 1.text() 取得所有匹配元素的内容。就好比提取出纯文本一样。用法同上述html。 2.text(val) 类似html(val) ,但将编码 HTML (这句没看明白,反正和html差不多) 1.val() 获得第一个匹配元素的当前值。用法也如 $("input").val(); 2.val(val) 为匹配的元素赋值 check,select,radio等都能使用为之赋值 用法如 $("input").val("hello") ,类似$("input").attr("value","hi"); 3.赋多个值用法如 $("input").val(["check2", "radio1"]); 意为给 check2 radio1 这两项同时赋上值,即同时选择上复选框值为check2的和单选值为radio1的。 转自:http://www.usle.cn/blog/article.asp?id=829


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jQuery由美国人John Resig创建,至今已吸引了来自世界各地的众多javascript高手加入其team. jQuery是继prototype之后又一个优秀的Javascrīpt框架。其经典的Slogan是“Write Less, Do more”(写更少的代码,做更多的事情)。jQuery是轻量级的js库(压缩后只有21k) ,这是其它的js库所不及的,它兼容CSS3,还兼容各种浏览器 (IE 6.0+, FF 1.5+, Safari 2.0+, Opera 9.0+)。

jQuery是一个快速的,简洁的javaScript库,使用户能更方便地处理HTML documents、events、实现动画效果,并且方便地为网站提供AJAX交互。jQuery还有一个比较大的优势是,它的文档说明很全,而且各种 应用也说得很详细,同时还有许多成熟的插件可供选择。jQuery能够使用户的html页保持代码和html内容分离,也就是说,不用再在html里面插 入一堆js来调用命令了,只需定义id即可。

全世界的JS高手都在为jQuery开发着各种jQuery插件, 在帕兰映像之前的文章里面, 也介绍过很多关于JQeury插件的文章:

另位在本站有关设计开发的几篇热门搜索文章里面, 也总能看到jQuery的踪影.

这两天又看到一篇收集jQuery插件的文章, 出自kollermedia, 收集了200多个jQuery插件. 虽然是比较早期的文章, 但对设计开发人员来说还是非常有用的.


Ajax File Upload. jQUploader. Multiple File Upload plugin. jQuery File Style. Styling an input type file. Progress Bar Plugin.


jQuery Validation. Auto Help. Simple jQuery form validation. jQuery XAV - form validations. jQuery AlphaNumeric. Masked Input. TypeWatch Plugin. Text limiter for form fields. Ajax Username Check with jQuery.


jQuery Combobox. jQuery controlled dependent (or Cascadign) Select List. Multiple Selects. Select box manipulation. Select Combo Plugin. jQuery - LinkedSelect Auto-populate multiple select boxes. Choose Plugin (Select Replacement).


jQuery Form Plugin. jQuery-Form. jLook Nice Forms. jNice. Ping Plugin. Toggle Form Text. ToggleVal. jQuery Field Plugin. jQuery Form’n Field plugin. jQuery Checkbox manipulation. jTagging. jQuery labelcheck. Overlabel. 3 state radio buttons. ShiftCheckbox jQuery Plugin. Watermark Input. jQuery Checkbox (checkboxes with imags). jQuery SpinButton Control. jQuery Ajax Form Builder. jQuery Focus Fields. jQuery Time Entry.


jQuery UI Datepicker. jQuery date picker plugin. jQuery Time Picker. Time Picker. ClickPick. TimePicker. Farbtastic jQuery Color Picker Plugin. Color Picker by intelliance.fr.


jQuery Star Rating Plugin. jQuery Star Rater. Content rater with asp.net, ajax and jQuery. Half-Star Rating Plugin.


jQuery Suggest. jQuery Autocomplete. jQuery Autocomplete Mod. jQuery Autocomplete by AjaxDaddy. jQuery Autocomplete Plugin with HTML formatting. jQuery Autocompleter. AutoCompleter (Tutorial with PHP&MySQL). quick Search jQuery Plugin.


jTagEditor. WYMeditor. jQuery jFrame. Jeditable - edit in place plugin for jQuery. jQuery editable. jQuery Disable Text Select Plugin. Edit in Place with Ajax using jQuery. jQuery Plugin - Another In-Place Editor. TableEditor. tEditable - in place table editing for jQuery.


jMedia - accessible multi-media embedding. JBEdit - Ajax online Video Editor. jQuery MP3 Plugin. jQuery Media Plugin. jQuery Flash Plugin. Embed QuickTime. SVG Integration.


ThickBox. jQuery lightBox plugin. jQuery Image Strip. jQuery slideViewer. jQuery jqGalScroll 2.0. jQuery - jqGalViewII. jQuery - jqGalViewIII. jQuery Photo Slider. jQuery Thumbs - easily create thumbnails. jQuery jQIR Image Replacement. jCarousel Lite. jQPanView. jCarousel. Interface Imagebox. Image Gallery using jQuery, Interface & Reflactions. simple jQuery Gallery. jQuery Gallery Module. EO Gallery. jQuery ScrollShow. jQuery Cycle Plugin. jQuery Flickr. jQuery Lazy Load Images Plugin. Zoomi - Zoomable Thumbnails. jQuery Crop - crop any image on the fly. Image Reflection.


jQuery Plugin googlemaps. jMaps jQuery Maps Framework. jQmaps. jQuery & Google Maps. jQuery Maps Interface forr Google and Yahoo maps. jQuery J Maps - by Tane Piper.


Tetris with jQuery. jQuery Chess. Mad Libs Word Game. jQuery Puzzle. jQuery Solar System (not a game but awesome jQuery Stuff).


UI/Tablesorter. jQuery ingrid. jQuery Grid Plugin. Table Filter - awesome!. TableEditor. jQuery Tree Tables. Expandable “Detail” Table Rows. Sortable Table ColdFusion Costum Tag with jQuery UI. jQuery Bubble. TableSorter. Scrollable HTML Table. jQuery column Manager Plugin. jQuery tableHover Plugin. jQuery columnHover Plugin. jQuery Grid. TableSorter plugin for jQuery. tEditable - in place table editing for jQuery. jQuery charToTable Plugin. jQuery Grid Column Sizing. jQuery Grid Row Sizing.


jQuery Wizard Plugin . jQuery Chart Plugin. Bar Chart.


jQuery Corner. jQuery Curvy Corner. Nifty jQuery Corner. Transparent Corners. jQuery Corner Gallery. Gradient Plugin.


jQuery Spoiler plugin. Text Highlighting. Disable Text Select Plugin. jQuery Newsticker. Auto line-height Plugin. Textgrad - a text gradient plugin. LinkLook - a link thumbnail preview. pager jQuery Plugin. shortKeys jQuery Plugin. jQuery Biggerlink. jQuery Ajax Link Checker.


jQuery Plugin - Tooltip. jTip - The jQuery Tool Tip. clueTip. BetterTip. Flash Tooltips using jQuery. ToolTip.


jQuery Tabs Plugin - awesome! . [demo nested tabs.] another jQuery nested Tab Set example (based on jQuery Tabs Plugin). jQuery idTabs. jdMenu - Hierarchical Menu Plugin for jQuery. jQuery SuckerFish Style. jQuery Plugin Treeview. treeView Basic. FastFind Menu. Sliding Menu. Lava Lamp jQuery Menu. jQuery iconDock. jVariations Control Panel. ContextMenu plugin. clickMenu. CSS Dock Menu. jQuery Pop-up Menu Tutorial. Sliding Menu.



jQuery Plugin Accordion. jQuery Accordion Plugin Horizontal Way. haccordion - a simple horizontal accordion plugin for jQuery. Horizontal Accordion by portalzine.de. HoverAccordion. Accordion Example from fmarcia.info. jQuery Accordion Example. jQuery Demo - Expandable Sidebar Menu. Sliding Panels for jQuery. jQuery ToggleElements. Coda Slider. jCarousel. Accesible News Slider Plugin. Showing and Hiding code Examples. jQuery Easing Plugin. jQuery Portlets. AutoScroll. Innerfade.


UI/Draggables. EasyDrag jQuery Plugin. jQuery Portlets. jqDnR - drag, drop resize. Drag Demos.

XML XSL JSON Feeds相关jQuery插件

XSLT Plugin. jQuery Ajax call and result XML parsing. xmlObjectifier - Converts XML DOM to JSON. jQuery XSL Transform. jQuery Taconite - multiple Dom updates. RSS/ATOM Feed Parser Plugin. jQuery Google Feed Plugin.


Wresize - IE Resize event Fix Plugin. jQuery ifixpng. jQuery pngFix. Link Scrubber - removes the dotted line onfocus from links. jQuery Perciformes - the entire suckerfish familly under one roof. Background Iframe. QinIE - for proper display of Q tags in IE. jQuery Accessibility Plugin. jQuery MouseWheel Plugin.

警告, 提示, 确认等对话框

jQuery Impromptu. jQuery Confirm Plugin. jqModal. SimpleModal.


jQuery Style Switcher. JSS - Javascript StyleSheets. jQuery Rule - creation/manipulation of CSS Rules. jPrintArea.


FlyDOM. jQuery Dimenion Plugin. jQuery Loggin. Metadata - extract metadata from classes, attributes, elements. Super-tiny Client-Side Include Javascript jQuery Plugin. Undo Made Easy with Ajax. JHeartbeat - periodically poll the server. Lazy Load Plugin. Live Query. jQuery Timers. jQuery Share it - display social bookmarking icons. jQuery serverCookieJar. jQuery autoSave. jQuery Puffer. jQuery iFrame Plugin. Cookie Plugin for jQuery. jQuery Spy - awesome plugin. Effect Delay Trick. jQuick - a quick tag creator for jQuery. Metaobjects. elementReady.
